Introducing Some New Therapies & Martha

Hi! My name is Martha McBride and I’m qualified in Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro-linguistics programming) and life coaching. I trained with world-renowned Therapist to the Stars, Ali Campbell and am a certified Serenity by Kevin life-coach having trained with the incredible Kevin Mullin.

Past Life Regression is a particular interest of mine ever since I was regressed around 5 years ago. It’s a fascinating experience that was a revelation to me. It made me fully understand why I reacted to certain situations in a particular way and showed me that I had carried forward those issues from a previous life into this life. Once I realised that I was able to change how I reacted to those situations and felt able to move on and I love using this tool to do the same for my clients.

With past life regression using my voice and words I gently put you in a state of deep relaxation that allows us hopefully to explore together your past life or lives and give you a deeper understanding of what made you the person you are today.

Life-coaching can be used in so many situations. For example if on a personal level, you just don’t know who you are anymore, or where you’re going. We can work on that. Or if you want to set a goal and need help in achieving that then equally we can work on that.

We all reach a stage in our lives when it can be good to stand back and look at where we’ve come from, where we are right now and where we want to go and that is where a Life-coach comes in. Sometimes we just need a little nudge in the right direction and I can help with that.

Using a powerful combination of transformational life-coaching and more traditional goal-setting life-coaching we’ll work together to find the direction that is right for you.

Hypnotherapy is a technique which has been used for centuries as a way of bypassing the ‘monkey chatter’ of our conscious mind to reach the unconscious mind where change can happen. I do this by inducing a deep sense of relaxation using my voice and words.

This allows the unconscious mind to open up to suggestions and change. We go into trance many times in a day naturally – How many times have you driven home but have no recollection of the journey? How many times have you watched a really good film and been so engrossed in it, the outside world ceased to exist?

That is the same state as hypnosis.
Many people worry that a hypnotherapy session will be like a stage hypnotist’s show but there are no clients clucking like chickens in my sessions! At all times you are in control and can come out of hypnosis (trance) at any time simply by opening your eyes.

The conscious mind believes whatever we tell it…So if you tell it you can’t do something, or that you are feeling a certain way, it believes it and acts accordingly. The conscious mind does it’s best to keep you safe. But it doesn’t always do it in a way that’s helpful and that is when issues can arise.

However, your unconscious mind is incredibly powerful and the good news is that this is where I can help you change those old limiting patterns of behaviours and beliefs.

NLP is a revolutionary technique which was developed in America in the 1970’s by Doctors John Grinder and Richard Bandler and it has been used for over 50 years as a way of influencing the brain’s behaviour (neuro) by using language (linguistic). It can programme the brain to change behaviours and beliefs and is particularly powerful in overcoming irrational fears such as phobias.

In a nutshell, it trains the mind to react differently to situations that previously would have caused you issues. From fear of flying, fear of public speaking …you name it and it’s likely NLP can help.
When you come to see me, I put together an individual package that is unique to you and your needs using my whole toolbox of therapies.

An initial consultation is £40 with no further obligation. In this initial session we will work together to find out what is best for you and number of sessions and costs are discussed at that stage. The introductory cost of a past-life regression is £60 and generally lasts between 1 hours and 1.5 hours.

Contact us for more information, you won’t regret it! Please use the contact form on our website CLICK HERE.

Holistic Therapy Treatments For Chronic Pain

Holistic Therapies Treatments For Chronic Pain

At the Secret Garden we know how restricting and limiting chronic pain can be. I myself have suffered from Sciatica in the past and it was absolute torture. The drugs that I was on to treat it were as bad – I absolutely hated the impact that they had on me.
Thankfully, I had access to an amazing physiotherapist who helped me with exercises, massage, and acupuncture.

I was off the meds in no time and thankfully 3 years on I have not had a flare up (touch wood that this continues)!
As many of you know, I have a lifelong interest in holistic therapies and really believe in the power of complimentary therapies. I have spent the last year (particularly in lockdown) learning more about the causes, treatment, and psychology behind chronic pain, particularly relating to lower back issues.

So what can we offer you?

Massage is the first step, in particular hot stone therapy. Through massage, we can identify the trigger points for the pain and then work out a treatment plan. The stones are an excellent heat treatment that help to warm up the muscles quickly and allow us to work out knots and other areas of tension. Often with less severe flare ups a few sessions of this is all that you need.

Massage is also excellent for relieving stress and tension, releasing endorphins such as Oxytocin that help to calm you and telling your brain that all is well.

By far the most effective treatment for chronic pain is acupuncture. A lot of people are put off of this therapy as they have a fear of needles. I can assure you, these are so thin that most people don’t even realize that they have been inserted.
I practice Clinical Acupuncture which has been signed off by NICE for use in the NHS for pain management.

Acupuncture helps to stimulate the muscles, releasing nociceptor’s that tell the brain that all is well. They also release endorphins that help to relieve the pain. This is a more intense therapy than massage alone, although we usually do both together.
I have seen fabulous results from acupuncture in shoulder and neck pain, sciatica and also Rheumatoid Arthritis. Usually, a few sessions are recommended. If you’d like to know more about therapies for pain management then please contact us.

Secret Garden Holistic Therapies Acupuncture Treatment

Gift Of Self Care Blog

The Gift of Self Care

Whilst we are in lockdown I’ve been looking at how we can help you to take time for self-care.

I myself have been practising meditation.

But another thing that I am looking at is gifting. I’ve always offered gift vouchers and of course you can order the luxurious Neal’s Yard products!

But I am looking offering a mindfulness box that you can send to a loved one for a birthday, anniversary or even to say that you are thinking about them. Keep an eye on social media for more details!

Many of you have been to at least one of our workshops and despite initially being really nervous about it. I have thoroughly enjoyed it!

I started with a few facial workshops using the lovely Neal’s Yard products and then branched out into Aromatherapy, looking at ways of managing Stress & Anxiety, Sleep, Menopause and Aches & Pains.

The feedback from these has been amazing and I’ve been invited to host workshops at both East Ayrshire Council and East Refrewshire Council as part of their health and wellbeing agendas.

I’m going to keep the workshops going once things get back to some kind of normal. I’ve had people from all over the UK from Devon to Uig in Skye as well as the USA and France! You can see the current workshops that I offer under the “workshops” or CLICK HERE.

We are eagerly awaiting confirmation of the re-opening date. Hopefully we’ll be back to some kind of normal on 26th April!

Keep an eye on your post over the next few weeks as  I have started to send out wee treats to my clients. Or if you would prefer to call for a chat - To find out more or to discuss your requirements please contact us on mobile 07889 816190