WHAT TO EXPECT FROM YOUR REIKI HOLISTIC THERAPY TREATMENTDuring your Reiki session you are fully clothed and will lie comfortably on the therapy bed. The therapist will then encourage you to relax and then start the session. In a Reiki session at Secret Garden Holistic Therapies, Ayrshire. You are fully clothed and will lie comfortably on the therapy bed.
Before starting the session the therapist will encourage you to relax. Working over your whole body on an auric level. As well as working on your chakras.
The therapist will channel the energy through to you and will be able to sense where the energy needs to be. At the end of the session they will discuss any areas of concern they may have picked up on during your Reiki.
If you are unfortunately, unable to come along and visit the Secret Garden, Ayrshire, in person for your Reiki treatment. No problem!
Because Reiki can be performed at a distance. You can arrange for this to be sent to you directly, or sent to a loved one! To find out more you can contact us via contact form on our website
click here.